If you would like to book Llanymynech Village Hall for your event or activity, then please first take a look at our calendar to check the hall is free at the time you would like it.
Then simply download our standard hiring form here, complete it and return it to the hall along with a deposit of £10 per booking for the small rooms or £20 for the Main Hall. Please note that bookings are only accepted once you have a confirmation from us.
Prices for hiring are currently
- Main Hall £17.50 per hour
- Bar Licence (if required) £30.00 per booking
- Defra Room £12.00 per hour
- Tal Humphreys Room £12.00 per hour
- Whole Hall £30.00 per hour
- Weddings £350.00 8am – 1am
- Round Tables with tablecloths £6.00 per table (incl. Laundry)
A non-refundable deposit of £20.00 is required for bookings of the Main Hall and a booking agreement is required to be signed by the person hiring the hall.
For business rates please contact the office on 01691 839147.
Llanymynech Village Hall is also able to accommodate walking and activity groups that wish to stay overnight. In the past we have accommodated groups of Ramblers, Youth Groups and working parties restoring the local Montgomery Canal. Groups would have access to showers as well as our well-equipped kitchen.
Click here for a floor plan of the hall.
Click here for our Standard conditions of hire which apply to all bookings of our hall.
These standard conditions apply to all hiring of the village hall. If the Hirer is in any doubt as to the meaning of the following, the Hall Secretary or Booking Clerk should immediately be consulted.